Our firm produces corrugated pipes which have a great importance on reusability of sewerage and rainwater after they were send away and they were purified. They are more economical, more useful and more durable than competitor piping systems. They are produced as 6 meters length and they are produced from100mm up to 1000mm diameters. They have two categories according to calculation of external loads. These are SN4 and SN8.
Aysan Corrugated Pipes are produced with prEN13476 European Standard by high technology machines.
Corrugated Pipes Diameters Ø (Millimeter) 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000
There is a non-pressurized gravity (free) flow in sewage systems. But since they are laid underground, they are exposed to external loads. For this reason, the effect of external loads such as soil and traffic load becomes very important. Corrugated pipes are designed to be resistant to such loads.
There are some laying rules that must be followed in pipe applications made under the ground in waste water sewage systems. In order for the corrugated pipes and fittings to serve for many years without any problems, in underground applications made by digging the channel, compaction should be made layer by layer so that there is no weak area around the pipes while the channel is being filled.
Özellikle boru altının dolgu malzemesi ile doldurulması çok önemlidir. Dolgu işlemi şartnameye uygun şekilde iyice sıkıştırılarak yapıldığı takdirde, boruya gelen trafik ve toprak yükü kısmen dolguya aktarılacağından boru ömrü boyunca görevini sorunsuzca yerine getirir. Sıkıştırma iyi yapılmadığı taktirde oluşacak boşluklardan dolayı boru, maruz kaldığı yükü, üstündeki diğer kuvvetlere aktaramayacağı için çökme riski oluşabilir.
Dolgu Malzemesi: 0 ila 20 mm çaplı tanelerden oluşan ve en fazla %20 nem ihtiva eden sıkıştırılmaya uygun malzeme kullanılmalıdır.